Magnesium Body Cream

  • $34.44
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Extremely helpful for trouble sleeping, sore muscles, migranes and PMS. Magnesium is necessary for over 300 functions in the human body. It is required by every single cell, it is responsible for strong bones and teeth, balancing hormones, a healthy nervous and cardiovascular system and much more.
Magnesium can be absorbed through the skin, so applying this magnesium body cream is a fantastic way to boost your magnesium levels. 
Proper magnesium ratios are important for the body to correctly use calcium in the cells. Even a small deficiency can lead to a dangerous calcium imbalance and lead to problems like calcification and cell death. This manifests itself with symptoms like heart trouble, migraine headaches, muscle cramps and premenstrual cramping.
Magnesium Hydroxide
Lavender Essential Oil
Shea Butter
Organic Coconut Oil
Avocado Oil
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